ArXiv authors by Keywords

Enter keywords in the field below. The tool will query the ArXiv API for papers containing them either in title or in the abstract (or both), and display each author with a square, which color depends on the number of papers co-authored by this author.


Enter keywords

Paper list:


  • Enter keywords in the field above, for instance "physics" and click on the button "Search".
  • Wait for the results to appear. It may take a few seconds...
  • Hover the squares to see the author's name and number of papers.
  • Click on a square to see the list of its publication (below the figure)

Caveat: I am still trying to understand how the ArXiv API works: search results differ from the ones on the website. Stemming does not work, "navigat" returns nothing... I suggest to try different keywords to compare results, like "navigate","navigating" and "navigation". Also, it is limited to the first 10,000 results.

Looking for someone ?

Enter the name in the field below, and we will highlight the matching squares.